Build virtual environment

Build a virtual environment for python3.6

Follow instructions from The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python!

1.First step : install virtualenv.

Virtualenv is a tool to create isolated Python environments. I already have it when install another virtual environment for python 2.7 in my Mac.

pip install virtualenv
virtualenv --version

My virtualenv version is 15.1.0

2.Create a new virtual environment for python 3.6.

I would like to have my new virtual environment under my home directory. And because I already got a virtual environment for my python 2.7 called venv2, so this time I am going to build a venv3.

  • Install python3

I installed python3.6 by homebrew at /usr/bin/

brew install python3
  • Create the virtual environment
cd ~
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3.6 venv3

3.Activate the virtual environment.

source venv3/bin/activate

The name of the current virtual environment will now appear on the left of the prompt: So I know it’s active.

(venv3) ➜  ~

4. Install necessary packages.

Here any package that I install using pip will be placed in this venv3.

pip install jupyter

5.Deactivate venv3

When I am done with my work in venv3, I need to deactivate it.


6.Last part:

The comments to activate venv3 is troublesome. So I change it by add

alias venv3="source ~/venv3/bin/activate

into ~/.zshrc by vim.

BTW: In Vim, type”i” to activate insert mode, type”esc” key followed by “:wq” to quit vim

Now only type in venv3 will get the virtual environment for python3.6 working!

May 22, 2017