Linux commands

Useful linux commands and examples.

ls(list),List files

cricode@ubuntu:~$ ls
Desktop  music  mydocs  python

pwd(print work directory), Show current directory

cricode@ubuntu:~$ pwd

mkdir, Make directory dir

cricode@ubuntu:~$ mkdir cprogram
cricode@ubuntu:~$ ls
cprogram  Desktop  music  mydocs  python

cd, Switch directory (path)

cricode@ubuntu:~$ cd cprogram/

touch, Create file

cricode@ubuntu:~/cprogram$ touch hello.c
cricode@ubuntu:~/cprogram$ ls

vim, edit file

cricode@ubuntu:~/cprogram$ vim hello2.c

cat, output

cricode@ubuntu:~/cprogram$ cat hello.c 
# include <stdio.h>
int main()
    printf("hello,world!\nwelcome to\n");

cd -,Go back to last location

Blog git:(master) cd -

images git:(master) cd -

cd ..,Go up a directory

images git:(master) cd ..
Blog git:(master) 

rm -r, Delete file and everything under it

cricode@ubuntu:~$ ls
cprogram  Desktop  music  mydocs  python
cricode@ubuntu:~$ rm -r cprogram/
cricode@ubuntu:~$ ls
Desktop  music  mydocs  python


  • ifconfig:Configure the IP address, the default gateway address, and so on

  • man:Manual, for example: man ifconfig, you can view the specific usage of the ifconfig command

  • find:Find file

  • grep:Search for a command that contains a given string or word line, a useful command

  • df:View the usage of the disk

  • ps :View the status of the process

  • top:View the process of cpu, memory usage

  • ping:Check network connectivity

77 Linux commands and utilities you’ll actually use

April 4, 2017